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Tears welled in her eyes, she clenched her fist gathered all the courage she had and said “I Quit….” and walked out of office.

She had no other job offer in her hand, she had worked hard for years to get this dream opportunity and now it was gone… She had no rights to stay anymore in this country which was her dream destination, a sign of ultimate success….What was she going to do? Why did she take this decision? Has she failed in her career and/or life ? In this struggle Job vs Self is she winner or loser?
To know more read the book “A Journey to Sunshine :Solo woman’s journey in foreign land ” available on Amazon.Free for kindle unlimited users and for others available for $0.99 only. Special discount to users in India INR 49 only.

Amazon India: https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07TZK8PGP/

Amazon.com users: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TZK8PGP/

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S for Single or S for Strong


Embark with Gargi on her solo journey to a foreign land; a journey  which changes her from a lonely single woman to someone who lives her life happily on her own terms; one who can proudly say

Because I am too strong, too smart and too fabulous to settle

Read the kindle book “A Journey to Sunshine

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A Journey to Sunshine: Solo woman’s journey in foreign land https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TZK8PGP


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My first novel “A Journey to Sunshine” -story of shy woman who travels alone for first time to a foreign country miles apart. While she slowly adjusts herself to this new world; meets and interacts with different people who are so different yet so alike; with each passing day she changes into a new  person; she learns the most important lesson of life; she learns to FLY = First Love Yourself

To be the part of her journey read the book ” A Journey to Sunshine”.

Book is free!!!!!!!! for kindle unlimited users.


Dreams VI (Solo travel or first encounter with world)


After the 10th board exam the process of applying for admission to junior college started. Gargi decided that her preference will be to college nearer to her home. So accordingly she applied for admission to the college nearer to her home. Even though the college was quite near as she lived in northern tip of her city and the college fell outside the boundary of the city in the adjoining town transport options were not so straightforward.Gargi was completely unaware of how to reach this place, first day she went with her Mom to apply for admission in this college, when they tried to catch a Rickshaw (a three wheeler vehicle popularly used like a taxi in India) ,the Rick driver said that he can only drop till the end point of Mumbai referred to as “Checknaka” from there you have to take another rick. So after changing into two rickshaws Gargi finally reached her college and applied for admission.

Over next few days she had to travel to college 2-3 times to complete the admission process always by rickshaw and accompained by one of her parents. During this she came to know that there is college bus service which drops students at fixed points, one of which was at walkable distance from her home.She thought I will enroll in this later once college starts so all issue of travelling solved.

On first day when she enquired about college bus service she came to know that was full, she felt lost. Luckily she met another girl in her class who stayed near her home who told her that you have to walk for about 1 km from here to a bus stop, from where multiple buses are available to your designated bus stop, same point where college bus would drop you and from there again a walk of about 1 km to reach home.

Next day Gargi started on her first solo journey by public transport, she walked till the bus stop immediately she got a bus which was very crowded. Journey was of only 5 -7 mins by bus, but travelling alone she felt scared will I be able to identify correct stop, what if I get lost? In Mumbai life is very fast and if you have to use public transport you have to be ready at the door well in advance of designated stop. You have to get down in matter of seconds else you will taken ahead to the next stop.

With slight doubt in mind whether this is correct bus stop or not, Gargi got down at her stop.She started walking trying to recollect the route shown to her yesterday by her classmate.At each turning of the road she felt confused whether I am going right way or not, finally she reached her college.

This may appear as a very small incident to anyone but to Gargi this was major incident, her first experience of travelling alone in public transport, her first encounter with the outside world.This incident gave her the confidence that even I can be independent, go anywhere I want.

Little did she know at that time that this is only a small journey, a beggining and later on in life she will have to travel across the seas to a foreign land all alone, in pursuit of her dreams…….

To be continued…..

Dreams V (First big examination)

Years passed and Gargi appeared for X standard board examination.In India a huge importance is attached to score in this exam as it determines which junior college and which stream you get admission.

As soon as you pass the IX standard exam you have to sacrifice your summer vacation and start studying for X standard examination. Before the final exam the student has to undergo many rigours mock tests, forget everything else, leave television and other forms of entertainment and just study,study and study for one year for this examination.Getting a good score is considered as social success and once results are out each and every person you know questions you about the result.

Gargi also went through this ordeal, finally the dates and centers of examination were announced.Just one year prior to this question papers were leaked few days before exam so finally people who appeared that year had to go through re-exam, everyone was worried this year if same thing happens then we will again have to appear the exam……oh nooooooooo…….But fortunately no such thing happened.

Examination started, Gargi was intelligent but her speed of writing was slow so she could not complete all the questions in her papers she could only solve 85% question for rest eventhough she knew the answers time was over… She felt dejected as even one mark counts in tough competition.

Exam got over and after two months day result was announced with each day tension started mounting and finally the day of result arrived. Results were supposed to be declared at 3pm in afternoon, under great tension Gargi went to school but saw a board saying results at 6 pm, she went back home constantly worrying about results.

Finally after 6pm she went back to school and was pleasantly surprised to see that she stood 4th in class and first among the girls in her class, she had lost her chance to stand in first three by just 2 marks but still she was happy with the result.She got a cash prize of RS 100 at the school annual day for her results.Even housing complexes distribute prizes to students securing good percentage in X examination and Gargi stood first in her housing society.

All these seemed like a great achievement back then but little did she knew that examination of life is different from such exam, there is no predefined syllabus and seemingly success can turn into failure any time and vice versa.This is only a small beginning there is a long way to go……….

…..to be continued

Dreams IV (Nothing is Impossible)

Gargi was very fond of water activities and wanted to learn swimming. Looking at others she felt that swimming must be easy and can be learnt in a day or two. But the day she stepped into the pool she realized it was not as easy as she thought. First session of swimming got over for Gargi and she went home on the way she constantly felt as if she is walking in water.
Next day when she got up her hands and legs started aching badly and Gargi felt like swimming is not my cup of tea. After two-three days the pain vanished and desire to learn started again shaping up so Gargi went back for swimming. Slowly the pain and feeling like constantly walking in water vanished but even after two months Gargi could not learn swimming.
Two months passed this way and Gargi’s summer vacation got over she had to leave swimming for time being. One year passed and the vacation came back again and Gargi again went for swimming this time more determined to learn. But looking at her progress nobody thought she will learn swimming, but Gargi was not the one to give up. She had made up her mind that I will learn swimming at any costs.
She was scared to jump in water but she new unless she wins over this fear she will never be able to learn swimming. Her family members advised her to give up and leave swimming but she said no, I want to learn and I will learn, nobody can stop me.To win over the fear she used to stand on edge of the pool and asked others to push her from behind.
Finally after days of trying, the golden moment came when she realized that she could swim. Gargi was very happy and felt like she is at top of heaven. This incident taught her one lesson that if you persistently try nothing is impossible sooner or later you will achieve what you want

…………. to be continued

Next Section-Dreams V

Dreams III (I will follow your footsteps)

Previous Section-Dreams II

As a child Gargi had different fantasies she wanted to get her nose pierced and have a nose ring Everyone advised her not to do it as it could be painful and she was too young for that but Gargi was not willing to listen once she wants something she wants it that was her nature. So much against everyone’s wishes one fine day Gargi went to get her nose pierced.
She had no idea how painful that could be but once the piercing started Gargi could not bear the pain and started crying loudly yelling that “My nose has been cut ………………” and even tried to push away the person piercing. Finally the nose ring was inserted but Gargi was still saying the same thing “My nose has been cut ………………” and was not willing to accept that her nose is intact except for a minute hole for the ring. So finally she had check in the mirror and then she realized that her nose is intact. Still in some pain she silently went home and went to sleep that night experiencing slight pain. Next day when she woke up her nose felt fine and she was vey happy with her ring.
Once Gargi had got her nose pierced how could Shuchi stay back she also wanted to do the same thing but she was not allowed at that time. Few years later however Shuchi also went to get her nose pierced but she was different from Gargi she calmly got the thing done without slightest noise or crying. Such was the difference between Gargi and Shuchi.
In spite of vast difference in both their nature, for Shuchi her elder sister was her role model, she always wanted to follow in Gargi’s footsteps and Gargi always wanted that her sister should  be even better than what she herself was, infact exceed at things she herself could not and this bond only grew stronger with time.
…………………………………..to be continued

Next section-Dreams IV

Dreams II- (Growing up together)

Previous Section-Dreams I

Each child wants to have sibling to play with, to share thoughts and experiences with, and our Gargi was no exception to this. She always wanted to have little sister and not a brother because she felt that her sister will play with her and become her best friend. Finally god answered her prayers and she was blessed with little baby sister “Shuchi”. First time when Gargi saw Shuchi it was the happiest moment for Gargi, Shuchi looked at her with her eyes wide open, uncommon for a new born baby.

First day when Shuchi came home she starred everywhere, looking at the home as if she said to herself this is my home I am the owner of this house…..Little did anyone know at that time that she was going to be the owner in future and as far as Gargi was concerned she was more than happy in giving everything to her sister.

Gargi was very happy to have Shuchi if any of the neighbourhood kids came to see Shuchi, Gargi did not allow them saying she is my sister only I will play with her no one else, she was kind of possessive about her little sister. Gargi had to leave for school early in the morning and Shuchi always insisted to come with her. Things had changed a little after Shuchi’s arrival Gargi was expected to behave in more mature way she had to listen to comments like you are the elder you need to show more understanding.
Gargi was intelligent in studies and always scored good rank, while Shuchi was a multitalented person she could paint beautiful pictures and won many competitions, she could write poems, stories and was very creative. Gargi lacked creativity even drawing a simple straight line or circle was difficult for her, forget about making paintings. She was more of technical person loved complex calculations and her favorite subject in school was mathematics which is not in case of most of students.She was good in studies and more technical work and loved helping Shuchi in her studies. Shuchi wanted to do all the things that Gargi did and always wanted to be like her. Gargi was very happy with the creative work that her sister did and wondered sometimes why can’t I do things like her.
Strong bond was developed between two of them and days were passing happily for Gargi and Shuchi together………..

To be continued…..

Next Section-Dreams III

Dreams – I (Fight for what you want)

In this journey of life we come across different people, but only few of them really touch us and carve their permanent impression in our memory. Just few days back I came across one such person Gargi her story inspired me to writing………

Gargi as I said is no celebrity or has achieved anything out of this world but is simple and straightforward girl who wanted a simple and happy life. This is story of  her dreams, her struggles, her hardwork, her dedication, her determination, her pain, her loneliness, successes and failures both.

What can I say about Gargi she was very intelligent, dedicated, simple, straight forward or outspoken, very harsh with words but very kind at heart. Few kind words could make her happy and few harsh words could make her upset or angry easily.

Gargi was the first child of her parents and was apple of their eye, as young child she was average in her looks and slightly overweight, good in studies but not good in sports or any physical activities she always struggled in such things. Her inability to take part in games made her distance away from other children she could not mix and  play with them and was made fun of because of her overweight. She did not mind this much she liked more of games which required less physical activity and more mentally challenging like cards or chess or other indoor games. She had her own different games like when she used to visit a beach she used to collect the sand and bring it home with her  and spread that at home to get a feel of chowpatty (meaning Beach) at home. Such were her different games which she used to play all alone.

This kind of staying alone slowly changed her into a shy or reserved person who did not speak up much and so did not have many friends. In school also she stayed alone away from other classmates, she wanted to mix up with them, be friendly with them but did not know what to talk and everybody mistook her for being a egoistic person who does not feel other people are equal to her and so does not talk. This nature was going to create lot many difficulties in Gargi’s life latter which she was completely unaware of at this time.

As a young child Gargi loved to play on swings, swings around her home were always  full of children waiting to play in queues Gargi was also waiting for her turn in queue but the other children playing before her brought their friends breaking the queue and Gargi kept on waiting for her turn for nearly two hours, people kept on asking her can we take some more time and she agreed because she did not know how to say “No” or fight for her rights. Slowly it grew dark and everybody left then finally Gargi got her chance after a long wait that too for only few minutes because it was time to leave. This incident taught her a very important lesson that you have to ” fight for what you want else you will only get what is left over after everybody has taken. ” Next day onwards she learnt to demand when her turn came and fight with others if required………………

To be continued……..

Next Section-Dreams II

Dreams Novel

Till now I have published articles on many areas like  life experiences, travel diaries, inspiration stories and so on. However my first reason behind starting this blog was publishing a serial Novel “Dreams” which I had written sometime back but was not able publish.

Now that my blog is about to complete two years I  have decided to come back to my original idea. So here I will be soon presenting my readers with my first serial  novel ” Dreams” story of a simple girl as she learns to face the world….

Dreams – I (Fight for what you want)
Dreams II- (Growing up together)
Dreams III (I will follow your footsteps)
Dreams IV(Nothing is impossible)
Dreams V(First Big Examination
Dreams VI (Solo travel or First encounter with world)