Dreams V (First big examination)

Years passed and Gargi appeared for X standard board examination.In India a huge importance is attached to score in this exam as it determines which junior college and which stream you get admission.

As soon as you pass the IX standard exam you have to sacrifice your summer vacation and start studying for X standard examination. Before the final exam the student has to undergo many rigours mock tests, forget everything else, leave television and other forms of entertainment and just study,study and study for one year for this examination.Getting a good score is considered as social success and once results are out each and every person you know questions you about the result.

Gargi also went through this ordeal, finally the dates and centers of examination were announced.Just one year prior to this question papers were leaked few days before exam so finally people who appeared that year had to go through re-exam, everyone was worried this year if same thing happens then we will again have to appear the exam……oh nooooooooo…….But fortunately no such thing happened.

Examination started, Gargi was intelligent but her speed of writing was slow so she could not complete all the questions in her papers she could only solve 85% question for rest eventhough she knew the answers time was over… She felt dejected as even one mark counts in tough competition.

Exam got over and after two months day result was announced with each day tension started mounting and finally the day of result arrived. Results were supposed to be declared at 3pm in afternoon, under great tension Gargi went to school but saw a board saying results at 6 pm, she went back home constantly worrying about results.

Finally after 6pm she went back to school and was pleasantly surprised to see that she stood 4th in class and first among the girls in her class, she had lost her chance to stand in first three by just 2 marks but still she was happy with the result.She got a cash prize of RS 100 at the school annual day for her results.Even housing complexes distribute prizes to students securing good percentage in X examination and Gargi stood first in her housing society.

All these seemed like a great achievement back then but little did she knew that examination of life is different from such exam, there is no predefined syllabus and seemingly success can turn into failure any time and vice versa.This is only a small beginning there is a long way to go……….

…..to be continued

Travel Diaries USA

I am a travel lover and till now I have travelled to 14 out of 29 states in India, Nepal,Dubai (UAE), Singapore and 5 states in USA. I always plan tours on my own instead of buying any packages from any tour operators.

Planning of a tour is tedious process and requires a lot of reasearch, right from getting necessary visa if applicable,booking flight or train tickets,going through hotel reviews to identify the best hotel, finding discounts or promotions applicable,best season to visit a place, no of days required attractions to be seen,forex for foreign trip etc.But based on my experience I can say that doing it on your own not only saves money but also gives you the opportunity to see and experience more attractions, taste local cuisines and interact with different people.

Arranging tour on your own is like childbirth painful in the beginning but gives immense joy later.About year and half back I had arranged a vacation to United States of America for my family.

Over next couple of days I will be sharing a detail account of this three week long trip in a series of posts on this blog.My aim behind this is to provide necessary information to make it easier for anyone especially Indians visiting USA for first time.Do keep watching for more……..

Happy Anniversary Dream Notepad

Two years back on a Valentine’s day evening I published my post “Love” on this blog………

I was working as Technical ERP consultant in a IT company at that time in Miami Florida. I had always worked in Technical field with no creative background and this was my first experience at doing something creative.

Thought of writing this blog first came to my mind in Nov 2015, I wrote a few articles but never mustered the courage to post them. Towards November end I travelled to USA with great expectations and dreams of career success.

But life is not a bed of roses and  had to face constant workplace politics and abuse,was betrayed and made a victim of financial fraud by someone I considered friend, twice became homeless and had to stay in Hotel. All these incidents started to break me from inside, it was very hard to ignore constant criticising and still keep my confidence.

Just to avoid feeling lonely and depressed I decided to  write and published my first post exactly two years ago on exactly this day. With this new hobby I started observing people, event, places and even small small incidents very carefully and found that there are stories everywhere, each person you meet,each place you visit has something to offer you….

In this journey of two years I saw lot of up and downs and this blog is always like a notepad for me to write down my experiences, joys, pain, struggle and success. I had someone with whom I can share my feelings….

Now when I look back I realise what this small hobby gave me, it gave me a hope in times of despair, acted as a constant companion to battle lonliness and immense joy of doing something new.

Happy 2nd anniversary Dream Notepad and happy Valentine’s day to all my readers!!!!!!!!


Dreams IV (Nothing is Impossible)

Gargi was very fond of water activities and wanted to learn swimming. Looking at others she felt that swimming must be easy and can be learnt in a day or two. But the day she stepped into the pool she realized it was not as easy as she thought. First session of swimming got over for Gargi and she went home on the way she constantly felt as if she is walking in water.
Next day when she got up her hands and legs started aching badly and Gargi felt like swimming is not my cup of tea. After two-three days the pain vanished and desire to learn started again shaping up so Gargi went back for swimming. Slowly the pain and feeling like constantly walking in water vanished but even after two months Gargi could not learn swimming.
Two months passed this way and Gargi’s summer vacation got over she had to leave swimming for time being. One year passed and the vacation came back again and Gargi again went for swimming this time more determined to learn. But looking at her progress nobody thought she will learn swimming, but Gargi was not the one to give up. She had made up her mind that I will learn swimming at any costs.
She was scared to jump in water but she new unless she wins over this fear she will never be able to learn swimming. Her family members advised her to give up and leave swimming but she said no, I want to learn and I will learn, nobody can stop me.To win over the fear she used to stand on edge of the pool and asked others to push her from behind.
Finally after days of trying, the golden moment came when she realized that she could swim. Gargi was very happy and felt like she is at top of heaven. This incident taught her one lesson that if you persistently try nothing is impossible sooner or later you will achieve what you want

…………. to be continued

Next Section-Dreams V

Dreams III (I will follow your footsteps)

Previous Section-Dreams II

As a child Gargi had different fantasies she wanted to get her nose pierced and have a nose ring Everyone advised her not to do it as it could be painful and she was too young for that but Gargi was not willing to listen once she wants something she wants it that was her nature. So much against everyone’s wishes one fine day Gargi went to get her nose pierced.
She had no idea how painful that could be but once the piercing started Gargi could not bear the pain and started crying loudly yelling that “My nose has been cut ………………” and even tried to push away the person piercing. Finally the nose ring was inserted but Gargi was still saying the same thing “My nose has been cut ………………” and was not willing to accept that her nose is intact except for a minute hole for the ring. So finally she had check in the mirror and then she realized that her nose is intact. Still in some pain she silently went home and went to sleep that night experiencing slight pain. Next day when she woke up her nose felt fine and she was vey happy with her ring.
Once Gargi had got her nose pierced how could Shuchi stay back she also wanted to do the same thing but she was not allowed at that time. Few years later however Shuchi also went to get her nose pierced but she was different from Gargi she calmly got the thing done without slightest noise or crying. Such was the difference between Gargi and Shuchi.
In spite of vast difference in both their nature, for Shuchi her elder sister was her role model, she always wanted to follow in Gargi’s footsteps and Gargi always wanted that her sister should  be even better than what she herself was, infact exceed at things she herself could not and this bond only grew stronger with time.
…………………………………..to be continued

Next section-Dreams IV

We are not where we want to be

Dream Notepad

Recently I had to make a big change in my life I had to move out of my comfort zone to take on a new experience which was a kind of rebirth to me. Below is a story I had read sometime back on facebook which served as an inspiration for me. So sharing it here for all my readers I hope it inspires you also …….

The Story of an EAGLE:

The Eagle has the longest life-span of its species. It can live upto 70 years.

But to reach this age, the eagle must make a very difficult decision!

In its 40th year, the eagle’s long and flexible Talons can no longer grab a prey which serves as food.

Its long and sharp beak becomes bent.
Its old-aged and heavy wings, due to their thick feathers, stick to its chest and make it difficult to fly.

Then, the…

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Dream Notepad

Today on the Valentine day as I am starting writing my blog what could be a better topic to start my first article than Love. When we think of valentine day all our thoughts come around one single thing that first and foremost thing you need to experience love is a partner, a dream partner, soulmate, a prince charming who will love you unconditionally with whom you can share all your thoughts who will always be there for you no matter what, with whom you can spend hours talking, long walks, candle light dinners, roses, chocolates, pastries and all things which make life beautiful.

No wonder all these things make life beautiful and everyone wants them at some point of time. Then what about the single people out there do they have to spend their days lonely wishing they could find their partner like all others?

Is it always necessary…

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If things go according to your wishes

Sharing a beautiful quote I had heard a few days back….

Man ka ho toh achcha …. na ho toh zyaada achcha !!

Meaning- If things happen according to your wish good, if not then it is even better!!!!!

kyun ki phir wo iswar ke man ka hota hai, aur iswar aap ka hamesha achcha chahega !!!”

Meaning-Because then it is according to Almighty’s will and he will always want the best for you !!!!